Being A Linked In Cannabis Influencer

Photo Credit: Esteban Lopez, Unsplash

There is a growing market for Linked In channel marketing in the cannabis sector. We have one of the best networks in the biz – globally

I have been approached over the last several months, by several companies who are interested in working with me as an influencer and “connector” in the cannabis space – and even more specifically here on Linked In. I have been building my network for over five years, with this goal in mind, and now it is finally happening.

So far, I have built my following based on journalistic articles and observations, as well as commentary on the space, in general, plus interesting side projects (like Weed Rather See This).

Going forward, beyond my other business development and entrepreneurial work, I plan to work as an influencer and marketer for the industry, along with providing strategic and business development not to mention financing. My network is a valuable one that crosses cannabis, biotech, law, insurance, banking, entertainment, and further is international. Europe is in an interesting place right now – with recreational reform now on the horizon, and products looking for markets coming in from everywhere in the world. This of course also includes medical marketing, which is still in its infancy, but many people in my network are doctors as well as healthcare professionals, beyond cannabis.

Many people via this network know my writing from years in the industry, both covering the industry and working to raise capital for tech projects. From a journalism perspective, many people know my writing from industry zines such as Cannabis Industry Journal, or even more recently High Times. There are also many people who read my work when it appears on my own blog or a Medium article. I also experimented earlier this year with animated work. All of these mediums are important in the process of marketing services and products if not companies to audiences here on Linked In.

The reality in the new world of media is that a channel like mine is a publishing network. It is also a business development tool, a way to find financing. Or to connect the dots to distribution and markets.

In Europe, where there are going to be recreational markets in three countries as of next year, this is the kind of market information that professionals need, along with news about the industry, commentary and more.

We will also be experimenting with video production. You can see the beginnings of the campaign for Hello Mary, which we will be ramping up to the ICBC.

Please get in touch for more details and campaign prices. We have the reach, and the creativity in a network built over the last five years. Let’s go get ‘em.


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